George Sharkov

George Sharkov

National Cybersecurity Coordinator at Government of Bulgaria, Director ESI CEE

National Cybersecurity Coordinator (Security Council, Council of Ministers, Bulgaria)

Adviser (Cyber Defense) to the Minister of Defense, Bulgaria

Director, European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe

George Sharkov obtained his PhD in Artificial Intelligence, with specialization in applied informatics, biophysics, thermography and genetics, enterprise intelligent systems. Since 1994 he was leading international software projects and companies for banking and financial systems, e-business, online markets and innovative e-trading solutions. Since 2003 he is managing the European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe. He is trainer and appraiser for software engineering quality management, cybersecurity and resilience management. Lecturing software quality, cybersecurity and business resilience at 3 universities. Pioneer in digital ecosystems development, regional cooperation, startup and accelerator support and initiatives for cyber resilient internet society.

Since 2014 George is appointed as a National cybersecurity coordinator for the Bulgarian Government, and adviser to the Minister of Defense. He is leading the development and implementation of the National Cybersecurity Strategy.

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