Iskren Krusteff

Iskren Krusteff

Chairman, GEM Bulgaria & Mentor

Iskren Krusteff is a high impact entrepreneur and investor, focused on sustainable business models and educational transformation towards partnerships and innovation. He introduced the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor in Bulgaria and serves as Chairman of the Board. Prior to building the GEM Bulgaria team, he managed businesses, programmes and projects consisting of cross-functional teams and budgets up to £50m in the public and private sectors in the EU, including the Financial Services Authority in the UK.

Mentor at Start it Smart – Bulgarian entrepreneurship club founded in 2009 with mission to inspire and support young people to start their own companies. Also mentor at Endeavor Bulgaria – Endeavor the largest high-impact movement around the world. Since February 2016 Iskren is member of the Global Advisory Panel of the UAEU Science and Innovation Park (SIP) in Abu Dhabi.

Iskren is frequent speaker at forums and conferences on entrepreneurship and member of judging panels on national and international competitions for entrepreneurs.

FOCUS | Entrepreneurship – ticket to growth

Rainbow Plaza Hall

Why does everyone talk about entrepreneurship, startups, pitches, ideas?

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